With his picture book, “Los Angeles”, Berlin-based photographer and long-time collaborator of Spike, Christian Werner, presents a “dream journey“ that bears witness to the “tired affluent society” and “great fatigue” of the old, Western world, Süddeutsche Zeitung comments. Accompanied by literary interviews by long-time LA-resident and writer, Tom Kummer, the book just came out with Korbinian Verlag . For Spike, Werner selected a couple of images.
CHRISTIAN WERNER lives in Berlin and is a photographer. He works for national and international magazines, including 032c, Numéro, ZEITmagazin, SSENSE, Sleek, Das Wetter and Spike. Most recently, Christian Werner dealt with the disappearance of the "old" Federal Republic of Germany ( Stillleben BRD , 2016) and the urban plant world ( Die Blüten der Stadt , 2018). Bonn. Atlantis der BRD (in collaboration with Joachim Bessing) will come out this spring. Please check out the Facebook event for the Berlin launch this Thursday.
Los Angeles
Christian Werner
With interviews by Tom Kummer
33 x 23 cm , 144 pages, First edition: 1000
Korbinian Verlag