Spike Berlin
25 May 2023
Deep Salon #4: Web3 and Activism: Technology as a Political Act

As computing software becomes cheaper, faster, and easier to use, can artists and activists leverage Web3 in dangerous social environments? Simultaneously, in what respects do the technology’s underlying contradictions threaten these very same actors?

The 4th instalment of our talk series with Tezos took up digital decentralization as a political act and the potenial of private, peer-to-peer, and censorship-resistant technologies to function as revolutionary tools.

With Adam Broomberg, artist and activist
Juan Pablo García Sossa, artist and design researcher at SAVVY Contemporary
Cassie Thornton, artist and activist


Deep Salon is a 5-part series exploring Web3, art & social challenges, hosted by TZ Connect & curated by Spike Art Magazine.