Ido Nahari is a sociologist, writer, and editor of Arts of the Working Class.
In triptychs of hot-and-heavy bodies, the Hong-Kong-based artist materializes the tensions of synthetic desire and our urges both to gawk and to look away.
Opening his newest film with LAS at Berlin techno mecca Berghain, the live-simulation artist talks parenting as programming, the artificial need for comfort, and NFTs’ linkages to Chinese divination.
Robbing us of our memories, orgasms, and imaginations, machines have turned humans back into sweatshop labor. Can comedy help us make sense of technology’s calculated tragedies?
A new digital city designed by Zaha Hadid Architects promises to realize “the old dream of cyberspace” — but whose? What remains genuinely public sphere when the rhetoric of open access only serves ge...