Max Henry is a writer based in Vienna.
A hard-boiled critic wades through Curated by, viennacontemporary, PARTICOLARE, and Parallel, scouring the damp city for its standout installations.
Cast in clay, collage, and lyrical fragments, a constellation of gracefully raw works in Vienna beckon into the artist’s world of fables.
Ringing out the summer, Viennese art’s own Philip Marlowe sleuthed across the hardboiled city, looking for traces of the evasive Neutral.
In Vienna, a one-of-a-kind trickster is sculpting with a new name but familiar hardware, heaping up double entendres from scraps during a new war in Europe.
In Vienna, a mannerist painter narrates time-slurred escapades of erotic androgynes milling around in limbo.
In Vienna, Sam Falls sows photographic exposures with plant and soil matter in lurid depictions of growth and decay.
The recent Spark Art Fair and several new exhibition spaces in Vienna are generating buzz as the winds of change blow in the city.
In memory of a modern sculptor who proved singularly worthy of the legacy of Viennese ceramics.